8.2: Lean Cuisine Logo

1. Describe in detail the image, and why you believe the company selected the brand elements (color, size, layout, character, etc.) that they did. Your analysis should include a brief description of the competitors and how your selected brand logo compares. In other words, why did they choose the brand elements that they did

Lean Cuisine’s logo features ‘Lean” in a thin font, in contrast to ‘Cuisine’ which has a thicker font. The logo is in all capitals with a little chef hap embellishing the top ‘E’ of Cuisine. The orange font has a white background. Smart Ones, a healthy frozen dinner competitor, features an all white logo with a red background and Healthy Choice features a green logo with a white background and thin font. The white in the background could represent a clean start to healthy eating and wellness. ‘Lean” being in a thinner font, logically parallels what will happen to people if they eat these meals and Cuisine is a bolder font because the brand wants to communicate that their food still taste good even if it is healthy.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is mainly women who want to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, but do not feel they have enough time to do all of the work. I would infer women are the main target market because the boxes overall have a feminine look and many men might think these dinners would not fill them up. I think the logo looks sleek and appealing for a frozen dinner brand and embodies wellness and good taste.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think the Lean Cuisine logo works well. It effectively articulates at a glance that this brand is here to help people lose weight, but also provide good tasking food. The word choice for this brand is very smart, Lean Cuisine. The two words together embody what people want to a tee.

8.1:Kate Spade Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product- Kate Spade clothing and handbags

Price- Pricy, up to $500 for each piece

Place- Vogue 2015 March

Promotion- This Kate Spade advertisement features two women widely known within the fashion industry, Karlie Kloss and Iris Apfel. Between the fans of the world wide famous supermodel and businesswoman/fashion icon, there will be a huge appeal in their appearance in this advertisement campaign. The setting is bright city park on what looks to be a fresh spring day. The series of photos feature different people in the same park bench setting. In one, Karlie is reading a book and some twins in the background are being devious behind her while an elderly man sips coffee. One photo shows Iris having a conversation with a friend and Karlie looks straight at the camera with a duck at her feet. The third photo shows Iris and Karlie sitting next together and a women on the side reading the paper. These scenes are to depict the “everyday city life,” of people waiting for the bus or waiting to meet someone with a touch of glamour that Kate Spade’s pieces add.

2.Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is women within a wide span of ages, from 20-60. These women live in metro areas and make a middle-to high income. They dress very feminine like and want to have a “put together” look at all times. They are more traditional than your average woman in their ideals which translates into their traditional clothing style that Kate Spade embodies. I infer this to be the target market because Kate Spade designs a variety of pieces that could work for a wise span of ages, it is all in how it is worn. The handbags are classic and sophisticated and women of all ages buy them. I would also infer that younger women in the ages between 20-35 are the main target market and 35-60 year old women is a market segment that they are trying to increate penetration. In regards to the target market, this Kate Spade spring campaign entails components of the target market in that it shows women from both ends of the age spectrum and is a very traditional compared to other high end fashion campaigns.


3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think this advertisement works very well. It has received a lot of attention for the big names it features, but also for how whimsical and artful it looks. Most high end fashion ads are eccentric and you really have to read into them to know what the message is, but the simplicity of this particular ad is refreshing.
I observe that there are two men featured in this campaign and they appear to both have Kate Spade bags. To my knowledge, Kate Spade does not make men’s clothing but they could just be portraying that metrosexual men can use these bags.

7.4: Aveda Logo

1. Describe in detail the image, and why you believe the company selected the brand elements (color, size, layout, character, etc.) that they did. Your analysis should include a brief description of the competitors and how your selected brand logo compares. In other words, why did they choose the brand elements that they did.

Aveda’s logo is either black or green. The font is in all capitals and is thick. The A’s have a dot instead of a line in the middle. The caption of “the art and science of pure flower and plant essences” is below the title and briefly sums up the company’s mission. It is not obvious from the logo that Aveda is a salon. Regis Salons features a black logo with a more feminine font. I think Aveda chose a simple, chic font like this to reflect their company’s products and salon vibe. They use natural, simple ingredients and their salons are all black and chic.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is women ages 18-35. Their primary desire in a salon is for it to be affordable, which Aveda is. They also care about taking care of the environment and our mindful to use products that are natural. These women also want to feel pampered and have the salon experience even when they just get their hair trimmed. I think Aveda’s logo effectively communicates their brand image.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think Aveda’s logo embodies their salon vibe very well. I think the phrase they put below the title is wise because their differential advantage is that they use natural products.

7.3: Rasin Bran with Cranberries

1.Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product: Rasin Bran with Cranberries from Kellogg’s

Price: At the market for cereal prices

Place: Time Magazine

Promotion: This ad features a raisin saying, “I love reeds” next to a cranberry saying, “Stop I’m blushing,” emphasizing the comedic component usage of promotion. The caption above it reads, “Together at last.” The raisin and cranberry are enlarged on the page and you can see the detail of each very well. At the bottom of the page it talks about the health benefits and tastiness of the cereal. A picture of the Raisin Bran box is at the bottom and the entire ad background is the same purple color that the box is.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market 30-60 years old who want a cereal that is healthy but also has good taste. They earn average income and don’t want to overspend on the cereal, but value brands so they will pay a future extra dollars for a cereal from a well known brand. These people watch T.V. and read magazines for their media sources. I think many people in this target market would like this ad because first off it captures their attention with solid usage of humor and than secondly it explains the health benefits of the cereal.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

The funny and healthy components that are shown in this advertisement would work well in my opinion. I think the order placement of this ad is very intentional. People will first see the humor aspect than the health aspect.

7.2: Chanel Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product-Chanel apparel and handbags

Price- Very pricy, luxury brand

Place- Elle Magazine, March 2015

Promotion-The first thing I noticed about these 4 pages of Chanel advertisements is that Gisele Bundchen is the featured model. She is arguably the current most famous and definitely most expensive model in the world. The fact that this Chanel ad features Gisele, captures the eye of many fashion lovers. This ad is also in the first pages of the magazine so its most likely to be seen by readers. In this first two pages Gisele is sitting on some steps with a blurred city behind her and in the second page she is peering out of a gate. In both pictures she is looking out into the far distance. It makes viewers wonder what she is doing, is she waiting for someone? Possibly at a party and out to get some fresh air? This ad leaves an open ended story for the viewer to interpret for themselves. The black and white effects reflects the nature of Chanel’s brand- timeless, classic, and sophisticated.

photo 2

photo 1-3

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is women 22- 40 who earn a high income. These women possess a high amount of disposable income and value representing luxury and glamour. They value brands and their image, and will pay a high amount to attain a brand, like Chanel, that has high reputation in their brand image. The clothes are designed to suit younger women better, so I think 40 years old is a good cut off age for target market. These women take excessive care of their bodies in their weight, skin, and hair. They want to represent the picture of glamour and beauty in themselves and in their clothing. I think the target market will be captivated by this ad. Many women within the target market are fans of Gisele and will appreciate the simplicity in that the products speak for themselves in this ad.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think this Chanel ad is what people expect from them. They are a consistent brand that delivers the same type themed advertisements. They reflect the brand image well to consumers. A general observations is that most fashion advertisements of high end nature do not have any words in the ad besides the brand name. I infer that these well known brands want their products speak for themselves.

7.1: Mycogen Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product- Mycogen hybrid sunflower seeds

Price- At the market price (average for a bag of hybrid seeds)

Place- Dakota Farmer January 2015 magazine

Promotion- The backside of a sunflower is shown with the clever caption of, “What’s Behind Your Sunflowers?” This triggers in the target market to question if the seed they are using is optimizing the best potential yield and substantial oil content. It draws ones attention because the viewer will instantly wonder why the front side of sunflower is not being displayed. The creativity of this advertisement is evident, as well being informative. The paragraph below the caption explains the advanced technologies used to make the hybrids and how these seeds have the potential to increase profit. The mix of creativity and informative nature reflects the product well and shows it validity. The bright red background reflects the Mycogen Seeds logo color so the target market could easily associate this particular advertisement with Mycogen quickly.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is mainly the young-middle age farmers spanning ages 25-50. Mycogen is especially trusted by the middle age farmers because it was when they were young, hybrid seeds that Mycogen specializes in started to rise in popularity. Their sons and generation after is more likely to use the brand since their fathers and prior generation did so heavily. I think this particular advertisement is aimed more directly towards middle age farmers because its placed in an agricultural magazine who targets that age group. The younger generation of farmers tends to read agricultural magazines on their phones through an app so perhaps they have a different ad from Mycogen catered more towards them. I think Mycogen made wise decisions regarding their target market. Farmers want to informed when they look at advertisements which this one executes and the creative flair is an appreciated touch.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think this advertisement will work well. It communicates precisely what Mycogen’s goals are through these hybrid seeds in a summarized version. It captures one’s attention as well. Compared to other advertisements in this magazine, I thought this was definitely one of the more creative ones.


6.4 Clearfield Logo

1. Describe in detail the image, and why you believe the company selected the brand elements (color, size, layout, character, etc.) that they did. Your analysis should include a brief description of the competitors and how your selected brand logo compares. In other words, why did they choose the brand elements that they did.

Clearfield, a company that produces herbicide systems for a wide array of crops, has a logo that features a plot of land with brown, green, orange, and yellow squares that represent fields, over lapping one another. The font of Clearfield is in all capitals and is slightly bolded. It is underlined and says “production system” blow it. Compared to other herbicide/ fertilizer brands, it has a more artistic logo. DuPoint and Nuseed, two competitors are feature more simple logos.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

Farmers who desire a product for weed control are the target market. These farmers probably live in the midwest or central U.S. as the kind of crops; wheat, sunflowers, soybeans, corn, that grow in those areas are the same crops Clearfield has specific products for. Clearfield uses nontransgenic genes when developing their products which is a newer trend in the farming industry, and more often younger farmers will experiment with a new trend like that. I think the logo works well with the target market because it represents the brand well in the image. Many people who are outside of the target market would probably have a hard time distinguishing what the logo is for.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think the logo works well. The image symbolizes different kinds of fields that the herbicide will be applied to. This is unique from competitors that often include crops in their logos.

6.3: Tile Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product-Tile, an app for tracking lost items, like keys or a wallet using a GPS system

Price-Depending on the model you get, it range from $25-$140

Place- Pandora sidebar ad

Promotion-The ad states “I lose my keys all the time,” which is an effort to relate to the consumer so they can identify with a problem and then question how this product could meet that want. The simple ad leaves a viewer to wonder what Tile actually is, that it would help when you lose your keys. This is where the “Buy Tile Today” button comes in handy since it brings you right to the website that tells you what it is all about.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is people (more likely women) from ages 18-65. The younger segment, 18-35, is for the busy, always on the go person. The 35-65 age group aim is for when people get more forgetful this app can help them. I think women would be more likely targeted because many men might find this app to be unnecessary. The company made decisions well in order to get people curious about this app since it is relatively new.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

This simple ad works well to get people curious about what the app does and perhaps check out the website.

6.2: Souplantation Store Layout

1. Describe in detail the services cape. Why did they select this specific layout, color scheme, etc.?

The first time I walked into Souplantation the first thing I noticed was the emphasis on the ingredients being farm fresh. The walls are earthy tones of green, light orange, and wooden panels. Pictures of ingredients freshly picked hang on the walls. A sign that says “Create. Induldge. Enjoy.” is above the salad bar and one that says “Lots to Feel Good About” by the eating area. The tables have circular logos that say “Farm Fresh Deliveries Daily.” There are mason jars at the tables with pamphlets explaining how the restaurant was started and the quality of the ingredients that they use. Fresh flowers in vases are placed in the corners. The whole vibe feels like a combination of farm likeness and modern touches.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is families with parents in their twenties to fifties who want to eat relatively healthy and have a wide array of options. These people value ingredients that are farm fresh. Souplantation is a healthy buffet that makes food for people with special dietary needs, like gluten free or dairy free. I think overall the service scape and layout of the restaurant represents the company image of being farm fresh and healthy.



3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think the average customer would find the decor and layout appealing. Some people might think its cheesy to have the healthy eating slogans on the wall, but overall it seems to fit in to what the restaurant is trying to portray.

6.1 Louis Vuitton Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product- Louis Vuitton handbags, shoes, pants, shifts, and suit coats

Price-Since Louis Vuitton is a designer, luxury brand it is very expensive

Place- Elle Magazine

Promotion- This advertisements has 3 different outfits being displayed throughout 4 pages. The first 2 pages’ main element is the skyline peeking through the window in a background. The model appears to be embodying the “working girl” as she sits in a business building setting. Her eyes are piercing, look straight ahead, as she casually shows off her handbag. The next page has an older (probably in her mid forties) model in a street scape scene. She is more causally dressed than the first model. The last page shows a model in a leisurely setting, next to a motorcycle, wearing “weekend wear.” These advertisements are part of Louis Vuitton’s Series 2 Spring Collection and is a “curated series” oh photography by various famous photographers like, Annie Leiovitz and Bruce Weber. The main promotional element used is the lifestyle of glamour whether you are at work or having fun, wearing these clothes and using these handbags makes everything more glamorous. The models showcasing the items are not fresh faced and happy looking, rather they have a persona of mystique. This kind of vibe can be associated with the brand, as models for Louis Vuitton are known for this kind of mysterious look.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is women ages 22-45 who earn a high income. These women value appearance and have a high amount of discretionary funds. They live in larger cities and are successful in their careers and/or come from wealthy family backgrounds. These women value luxury brands and want to present themselves in a glamorous matter. I infer this to be the target market because Louis Vuitton stores are only located in big cities and because of the high prices, only women with a high amount of discretionary funds can afford to wear this luxury brand. I think this advertisemnt connects with the target market well. The 4 pages in this magazine seem to tell a story, wear this to work and be bold, wear this on the street to be sophisticated, and wear this on the weekend and be playful.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think this advertisement works well in communicating the brand image of Louis Vuitton, that is mysterious and glamorous. It also shows a wide array of upcoming clothes and handbags for the spring so readers can gain a sense of what is going to be “in.” I think it is unique that they had famous photographers take these shots, which can also captivates those photography fans. Jennifer Connelley, an actress, is modeling on the second page. This can also cause fans of her to take a second look at Louis Vuitton’s advertisment.


