7.3: Rasin Bran with Cranberries

1.Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product: Rasin Bran with Cranberries from Kellogg’s

Price: At the market for cereal prices

Place: Time Magazine

Promotion: This ad features a raisin saying, “I love reeds” next to a cranberry saying, “Stop I’m blushing,” emphasizing the comedic component usage of promotion. The caption above it reads, “Together at last.” The raisin and cranberry are enlarged on the page and you can see the detail of each very well. At the bottom of the page it talks about the health benefits and tastiness of the cereal. A picture of the Raisin Bran box is at the bottom and the entire ad background is the same purple color that the box is.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market 30-60 years old who want a cereal that is healthy but also has good taste. They earn average income and don’t want to overspend on the cereal, but value brands so they will pay a future extra dollars for a cereal from a well known brand. These people watch T.V. and read magazines for their media sources. I think many people in this target market would like this ad because first off it captures their attention with solid usage of humor and than secondly it explains the health benefits of the cereal.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

The funny and healthy components that are shown in this advertisement would work well in my opinion. I think the order placement of this ad is very intentional. People will first see the humor aspect than the health aspect.

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