7.1: Mycogen Advertisement

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service.

Product- Mycogen hybrid sunflower seeds

Price- At the market price (average for a bag of hybrid seeds)

Place- Dakota Farmer January 2015 magazine

Promotion- The backside of a sunflower is shown with the clever caption of, “What’s Behind Your Sunflowers?” This triggers in the target market to question if the seed they are using is optimizing the best potential yield and substantial oil content. It draws ones attention because the viewer will instantly wonder why the front side of sunflower is not being displayed. The creativity of this advertisement is evident, as well being informative. The paragraph below the caption explains the advanced technologies used to make the hybrids and how these seeds have the potential to increase profit. The mix of creativity and informative nature reflects the product well and shows it validity. The bright red background reflects the Mycogen Seeds logo color so the target market could easily associate this particular advertisement with Mycogen quickly.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)? How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is mainly the young-middle age farmers spanning ages 25-50. Mycogen is especially trusted by the middle age farmers because it was when they were young, hybrid seeds that Mycogen specializes in started to rise in popularity. Their sons and generation after is more likely to use the brand since their fathers and prior generation did so heavily. I think this particular advertisement is aimed more directly towards middle age farmers because its placed in an agricultural magazine who targets that age group. The younger generation of farmers tends to read agricultural magazines on their phones through an app so perhaps they have a different ad from Mycogen catered more towards them. I think Mycogen made wise decisions regarding their target market. Farmers want to informed when they look at advertisements which this one executes and the creative flair is an appreciated touch.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

I think this advertisement will work well. It communicates precisely what Mycogen’s goals are through these hybrid seeds in a summarized version. It captures one’s attention as well. Compared to other advertisements in this magazine, I thought this was definitely one of the more creative ones.


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